Tuesday, July 22, 2008

雪山之旅 - 等待

Date:12th July 2008
Venue: Lake Mountain, Victoria, Melbourne


天啊~可真冷。有零度吧! 最可恶的是那里的冷风。一吹,我们便抖个不停。因为我们都没买专业的滑雪装,所以我们必须忍受那寒冷的天气。停车站里滑雪地方还有一段路。我们就一路唱着“千里之外”那首歌,走到哪里。我们租了几个滑雪板。我才玩了第二次,已是伤痕累累。因为有太多人在同一个地方滑,导致我们会相撞。每个人都跌得四脚朝天,我可把我的脸给撞个大包!我的眼睛肿了个大包。这回可好:名副其实的熊猫了。


Half way to Ski Lake Mountain Lake Mountain Resort Entree Gate
See those ICE?Snow

Joyce and i with our lovely hot coffee in hand

Hard to get out from the snow.Help~

Snow man!Snow mouse!
Group Photo!

let's go to ski~ Zoom~

What are you looking at?
playing around with the snow
Snow Battle Begun!
Playing hide and seek


Date: 3rd to 4th July 2008

Great Ocean Road Trip

早上五点半的闹钟不停的响,真的想把手机给扔了。爬出那温暖的被窝里去冲凉。一大清晨,大伙都在GLENFERRIE 的火车站等我了。还真惭愧,带头的我还迟到了。乘6.35am 的火车到城里拿车。办完租车手续后,大伙迫不及待跳上两辆TOYOTA的车。出了停车站,我们就像几只迷路的小羊在城里玩躲猫猫。过了大约半个小时再从迷宫里逃出。墨尔本城市的路太复杂了。不是一帮普通人用的。佩服那些每天上下班人。你可以想像他们可以在十字路口弯270和360度的转弯吗?可不像马来西亚的,如果你想要弯去左右边,90度弯便可。这里你还要停在中间,等到黄灯,没有车时,才可过。连那些在这里住久的居民都不敢在城里乱跑。我们真的吃了熊心豹子胆了,一群不知死活的家伙。。冒险旅程就这样开始了。


Apollo BayLoch Ard Gorge

Perhaps the most famous is that of the Loch Ard, an iron-hulled clipper ship that was lost in 1878 while sailing from England to Melbourne.(WEBWOMBAT,2008)

Twelve Apostles

The Twelve Apostles are must-sees and it doesn't really matter if you are traveling in summer or winter, you'll be in for a treat.
Blustery, wintry conditions means rugging up warmly and seeing the power of the Great Southern Ocean as it crashes into Australia. The lighting is terrific in the colder months as the often storm-black skies form the perfect backdrop for a setting sun on the landscape. (WEBWOMBAT,2008)

郊外的路都很直。一路唱着歌,毕业歌,友谊歌。。 一边唱一边笑,心里还是有点难过,因为有几个猪朋狗友将在过不久离开回国了。虽说可以回国再见,但心里还是酸酸的。我们这俩车是带头的,所以随时保持警觉性。我们首先到GEELONG,到那里的海滨公园玩乐。一个钟后,又踏上旅程了。第二站,是灯塔。好高的灯塔。我们一起走过无数的灯塔,海边看了无数遍彩虹。巨大的海浪不断的打上岸边。我们就在温暖的车里,唱无数个专辑,唱过N多次的“ 祝祝你一路顺风“那首歌。歌的旋律不断的留在我们的脑海里,温暖我们的心。

Here we come- Geelong!!

Let's Fly~ Fly to Our Own Dream

三个小时的路程,我们到了APOLLO BAY,我们的BACKPACKER地点。但是,我们并没去我们的住宿,大伙决定先去“十二门徒”-旅游景点。从APOLLO BAY到那里还要90公里。我们用本的计划是要到那里去看日落。 听说,哪里很美。但是,我们迷路了。天色渐渐暗了,我们还没找到那该死的路口。我们最后,驾到了一个小镇问人去了。找了许久,才找到那里。但天已是黑黑一片了。带着无奈的心情回我们的住宿。90公里回程。当我们到我们所要住的地方的时候,心中不仅感寒,因为那是人家的家。外来看去阴深深的。带着承重的心情进去了。没有想象中那没坏啦。因为没别的客人,所以我们就把整间家抱下来了。很温暖,舒服,有家的感觉。我们把我们带来的食物煮了,在那里度了一个温馨的夜晚,还在那里帮JOYCE庆祝了她二十岁生日。

Apollo Bay Backpacker


Living Room

Kitchen-Home Sweet Home

Happy Birthday Joyce

第二天一早,4am 大伙起床。因为我们要去赶日出。530便出发。90KM的路程。路上没有半个路灯。黑漆漆的,只有我们的车灯照亮整个树林。700AM, 可见到亮度了,但我们还是早不到目的地。气死我了。。那该死的路牌呢?又在玩寻宝游戏。那我们找到时,太阳公公已在天上笑话我们了。火冒三丈!错过日落,错过日出。拉倒!!!

Twelve Apostles - Great Ocean Road, Victoria

Group Photo of us!


Kill You, Joyce!!

LochArchGorge with vivien, ailing and lingjing

Sunrise at the back? Not really...


这是一首属于我和墨尔本认识的猪朋狗友的歌。特别送给我们敬爱的毕业朋友。祝福你们!我们回国再聚吧!组名叫:东方不败?? 怪!


留在这 带不走



只留下 被遗忘的脚印

我想起 我珍惜




记住我的名字, 味道和脸庞



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

TaSSie Adventure!!

Title: Tasmania Adventure
Period: 26th to 29th June

Tassie- Brunny Island

On the way to Huon Villey Tahune Walk Air

Richmond Bridge- the oldest bridge in Australia- 1823

View from Mt Wellington

Is our school holiday now and we are having our winter here in Australia. Just feel to go somewhere else out of Melbourne for short vacation. As a conclusion we made a decision to go Tasmania Island where Australia’s only island state is just an hour’s flight south of Melbourne or 90 minutes from Sydney but another world away in your Australian experience. Journey Begin!

Explorer Team From Swinburne University, Melbourne
Here We are! FP 0427 ~
Anita, Joyce, Ling Jing, Lik Sing, Shih Ching
FP 0472 ~ David, Wei Rong, Jessie and Vivien

It was an early flight, 7.35am on 26th of June and yet we need to take 5.30am taxi from our place to Melbourne Airport. Is kinda excited and scary trip for me because it was the first time we rent to drive at Tasmania, a place that is totally new to us? We arrived Tassie at 850am and we rent two Hyundai cars and the car plates are 0472 and 0427- twin brothers, cool right? And a GPS as well. Well~ just in case we get lost or what. Anyway, GPS quite disappointed me maybe because of the weak satellite signal in Tassie.

Cruise at Port ArthuR!! We are the best!!
Port Arthur Group Photo~
Not bad~ still manage to smile under the cold weather!

We went to Port Arthur Historical first day which is a small town and former convict settlement on the Tasman Peninsula. Port Arthur is one of Australia's most significant heritage areas and officially Tasmania's top tourist attraction that you can enjoy the beauty of natural. We were not in a good luck that day with the sky crying and it was pretty cold with low temperature. However, the nature of Tassie is awesome! Blue Ocean, bays, huge mountain, blue sky and SWEET air! Every single corner was an incredible portrait in front of us! You will never believe it unless you go there and experience by yourselves.

As it was a raining morning, the temperature was below 10’c. Gosh, we looked weird and cute with our blue rain poncho. Everyone looked like Doreamon, short and fat with the poncho, dear me!! We went for cruise somemore, the sea wind was kinda of crazy. We were frozen! Luckily, I had a cup of hot chocolate inside the cruise; that was the best hot chocolate I ever have.

The sky in Tassie getting dark pretty early, 5.30pm and we only manage to go one tourist attraction on the first day because of the wet weather and exhausted for waking up early for the flight and we decided to go back to our backpacker for a shower. Here we are, another difficulty for us getting back to our backpacker in city. We got lost in the city; was playing hide and seek in the Hobart city between two cars for around 45 minutes. Well~ we only had one GPS and there are lots of traffic lights and only one way road.

Woke up early at 6.30am next day, we went to Bruny Island where we can see the most breathtaking 360 degree panoramic views of the sea. Scenery there was so pretty and the air was the sweetest air that I ever have. Everything was just like in the fairly tales, unbelievable! People there are friendly and cute; we took quite a few group photos with them.

What are they doing? pulling the car~ no petrol as price of oil increased in Malaysia!

Breathtaking 360 degree panoramic views of the sea

Cheese Factory Visit

Yippi~ Let's Jump together~ Shih Ching Damn short! ahhaha

We had our lunch at The Penguin Café, sound cute, right? Is operated by a pair of old couple and they are using Apple Pro laptop and IMac at there counter. Damn cool. The Café is like the wooden house with all the classic design inside it. The foods there not too bad, the owners are friendly and we ever took a group photo with them. After lunch, we rush for another destination, lighthouse which is the southern part of the island and it was around 2pm; the sky would be getting dark soon. So, Vivien and I decided to use a short cut for next destination. The short cut needs to pass through the forest reserve and we have no idea where to go when we were at a T-junction in the jungle. Gosh, can you imagine get lost in the jungle and with no GPS and phone signal? Everyone was so worry as we made a decision for to go further into the mountain. As it was a mystery journey, we did a prayer before the journey. After 45minutes journey, finally we saw sea view from the top of mountain. THANKS GOD, we got the right way. Felt so grateful. Another 45 minutes for the lighthouse destination. When we reached the destination, I saw the most beautiful scene in my life, the complete rainbow display in front of us. This is the first time I saw the whole 180 degree rainbow. Was Amazing!!

Can you see the Lighthouse behind!!

The Penguin Cafe - acting cute! Not bad~ coala bear, u are so cute in this pic

Well~ this picture was taken at a Traditional Firework Pizza shop. This is the first time we see the pizze baked by using fire wood! Damn cool~ Well~ our mr David has interviewed the owner there and here we had a group photo!

Night time, we went to Mt Nelson for night view. We had the whole Hobart city night view and pretty nice with hot pizza on our hands.

Third day, we went to Salamanca market, enjoy the sights, sounds, flavours, action and colour of Australia's best outdoor market - proudly operated by Hobart City Council -every Saturday from 8.30am to 3.00pm at Hobart's Salamanca Place. Next, Mt wellington, it was unexpected to see and touch the snow at the mountain and we ever have a snow ball battle with the local people. Well~ guess what, we were lost!! 9 people lost to 3 people; what a shame!! Lol.. There was a culture for all the visitors to build a snow man on their car before leaving the mountain. Well, of cause we did follow the culture and we built a little cute snow man on our car. Next destination was Richmond Zoo Doo park where we can feed the Emus, camels and others animals on the lorry that they have provided. Is kinda a different experience with the animals ran after you for the food on your hand. Next, Richmond Bridge- built in 1823, is the oldest bridge in Australia still in use. Situated in Richmond, Tasmania, roughly 25kms from the state capital, Hobart, the Richmond Bridge spans the Coal River in the heart of a region known for it’s boutique wineries, history, and beauty.

Mt Wellington: Shivering~ Bring some fruits and enjoy there!! don forget your carrot for your snow man!

Snow Ball Battle~ here it is with our opponents! Three of Local Tassie! They are experts!

Group photo agian after the Snow Ball War! Everyone was exhausted!

Jessie tnay and me! Jessie, stop acting cute there! hehe

Mr DAvid!! Go away! don wan to see you@!!

Salamanca Market with sweet pinky ladies!!

It was an amazing trip that with my 8 lovely friends. We have lots of joy and fun at during the trip. I will always remember for the moments that we were singing inside the car with the window open and fresh air. What an excited and awesome trip I have. Thanks Shih Ching, Joyce, Vivien, Jessie, Wei Rong, Coala, Ling Jing and David Te for this lovely and fun trip!
Next Destination: The Great Ocean Road : 3 July to 4 July..